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Re: How I plan to get off this list

Okay, I would have thought that someone on a security related list would
have already done something like this:

telnet ns2.rutgers.edu 25
Connected to ns2.rutgers.edu.
Escape character is '^]'.

220-ns2.rutgers.edu Sendmail 8.6.12+bestmx+oldruq+newsunq/8.6.12 ready at Fri, 
10 Nov 1995 12:39:31 -0500
220 ESMTP spoken here
expn owner-www-security
250 Simon Cooper <scooper@hardees.Rutgers.EDU>

So... I reccommend that you contact Mr. Cooper directly. And good luck!


On Thu, 09 Nov 1995 12:06:33 PST, ramartin@CCGATE.HAC.COM wrote:

>I've deleted a lot of this nuisance mail, so I hope I'm not duplicating a 
>suggestion.  Try contacting CERT @ 412-268-7090.  They might be able to help y
>locate the proper authority to get you off the list.
>Please don't do something inconsiderate that will "self-feed" and greatly 
>inconvenience all other subscribers ...
>Subject: How I plan to get off this list
>From:    ward@hydra.cche.olemiss.edu at CCGATE
>Date:    11/8/95  7:55 PM
>This idea was suggested to me by someone else, and I'm not sure if he 
>would want me to use his name.
>I'm strongly considering to re-forward all mail from this list back into 
>itself unless I am taken off this mailing list.  
>I know it will self-feed.  That's the idea.
>PLEASE get me off this list.  I've requested it several times to the majordomo
>and to the mailing list itself, all to no avail.  majordomo says i'm
>Reagen B. Ward

Darci L. Chapman Sr. Software/Firmware Consultant sli-info@qiclab.scn.rain.com
               On loan from: Solution Logic, Inc, 503/222-0057
                 On loan to: Intel Corporation, 503/264-1419
